Sports Activities Guidelines & SOP during COVID-19


Covid-19 Guideline & Procedures (SOP)

International Schools Sports Activities



(eg. Badminton & Table Tennis)

1. Before arrival,

a. Players to attend classes based on the given schedule by the school.

b.If players feeling un-well or show any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, dry cough, nausea, loss of appetite, sore throat, aches, pain, and/or diarrhea), seek medical attention immediately and stay home.

c.Fill up water and essential enough for the entire class duration.

2. Upon arrival,

a. Require players to arrive in sports attire and in face masks.

b.Implement temperature checks (not higher than 37.5°C).

c.Checking into any app approves by the authorities before entering the facility.

3. Before class,

a.Players to do dryland stretching at the designated area for social distancing.

b.Training bags to be placed in the designated area.

c.Players to standby at each designated area to start training.

SOPs for INDIVIDUAL SPORTS (During class)

  • Players to put face masks inside a zip lock bag.
  • Coaches to wear face masks/ face shield.
  • Coaches to share class program/instructions at a distance (2m).
  • Players are to ask for permission before going to the toilet, one player to toilet at any one time.
  • Ensure the training is carried out in areas with minimum players.
  • No sharing of training equipment and drinking water.


  • All students are required to leave the facility after practice. No congregation/ gathering is allowed in the facility.
  • Parents/guardians to be ready to pick up players at the designated car waiting area for pick-up.
  • After class dry-off and leave. NO SHOWER allowed.


1. Before arrival,

a. Players are to attend classes based on the given schedule by the school.

b.If players feeling un-well or show any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, dry cough, nausea, loss of appetite, sore throat, aches, pain, and/or diarrhea), seek medical attention immediately and stay home.

c.Fill up water and essential enough for the entire class duration.

2. Upon arrival,

a. Players are required to arrive in sports attire and in face masks.

b.Implement temperature checks (not higher than 37.5°C).

c.Checking into any app approved by the authority before entering the facility.

3. Before class,

a.Players are to do dryland stretching at the designated area for social distancing.

b.Training bags to be placed at the designated area.

c.Players to standby at each designated area to start training.

During lesson/ practice, 

  • Players are to put face masks inside a zip lock bag.
  • Coaches are to wear face masks/ face shield.
  • Coaches are to share class programs/instructions at a distance (2m).
  • Players are to ask for permission before going to the toilet, one player to toilet at any one time.
  • Ensure the training is carried out in areas with minimum players.
  • No matches & competition are allowed.
  • No sharing of training equipment and drinking water.

After lesson/ practice,

  • All students are required to leave the facility after practice. No congregation/ gathering in the facility.
  • Parents/guardians are to be ready to pick up players at the designated car waiting area for pick-up.
  • After class dry-off and leave. NO Shower allowed


During class,

  • Swimmers are to put face masks inside a zip lock bag.
  • Coaches are to wear face masks/ face shield.
  • Coaches are to provide training programs via wireless communicator headset / on a whiteboard.
  • No sharing of swimming equipment and drinking water.

After class,

  • All students are required to leave the facility after swimming. No congregation/ gatherings allowed in the facility.
  • Parents/guardians are to be ready to pick up swimmers at the designated car waiting area for pick-up.
  • No showering is allowed. After class dry-off and leave.

Training Flow for 50m Olympic-Sized Pool

  • MAXIMUM SIZE: 4 swimmers in every lane (2.5m)
  • DISTANCE BETWEEN SWIMMERS: Arranged at least minimum 2m away from 1 swimmer to another.
  • DISTANCE BETWEEN SWIMMERS & COACHES: Arranged to be at least 2m and away from the swimmers.
  • COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SWIMMERS & COACHES: Wireless walkie-talkie connected to the water-proof headset on swimmers. With the use of the head-set, the coaches do not need to stand close to communicate with the swimmers. All swimmers receive the same instruction instantly while they swim. Swimmers do not need STOP & REST together to receive the next instruction/explanation.
  • MAXIMUM CLASS SIZE: 3 swimmers in every 2 lane (5m per lane)
  • DISTANCE BETWEEN SWIMMERS: Arranged at least minimum 2m away from 1 swimmer to another.
  • DISTANCE BETWEEN SWIMMERS & COACHES: Arranged to be at least 2m and away from the swimmers.
  • COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SWIMMERS & COACHES: Wireless walkie-talkie connected to the water-proof headset on swimmers.

During Class,

  • Swimmers are to put face masks inside a zip lock bag.
  • Coaches are to wear face masks/ face shield.
  • Coaches are to share class program/instructions at a distance (2m).
  • Swimmers are to ask for permission before going to the toilet, one swimmer to the toilet at any one time.
  • No sharing of swimming equipment and drinking water.

After class, 

  • All students are required to leave the facility after swimming. No congregation in the facility.
  • Parents/guardians are to be ready to pick up swimmers at designated car waiting area for pick-up.
  • No showering is allowed. After class dry-off and leave.

A) Class Arrangement

  • The class area marked for social distancing – waiting areas are marked 2m apart
  • Students to coach – 6:1 or 4:1 or 2:1
  • The class ratio varies in accordance with levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and age groups
  • Staggered Timing: To reduce congestion

B) Swim Teachers

  • To wear face shield during class
  • Verbal instruction at a distance
  • Reduce group activities (or as per instructed by the Ministry of Sports)
  • To provide assistance as required and as when necessary (duty of care in the water as a swim teacher)

1)Before arrival,

  • Swimmers to attend classes based on the given schedule by the school.
  • If swimmers feeling unwell or show any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, dry cough, nausea, loss of appetite, sore throat, aches, pain, and/or diarrhea), seek medical attention immediately and stay home.
  • Fill up water and essential enough for the entire class duration.

2) Upon arrival,

  • Require swimmers to arrive in swimsuits and in face masks.
  • Implement temperature checks (not higher than 37.5°C).
  • Checking into any app approves by the authorities before entering the facility.

3) Before class,

  • Swimmers to do dryland stretching at the designated area for social distancing.
  • Training bags to be placed in the designated area.
  • Swimmers are required to queue up to rinse-off before entering the pool.

We at TAD Sports Lab are committed to providing the best sports activities services to all of our partnering schools and institutions. We are deeply concerned by the current pandemic situation and is highly committed to maintaining the sports & swimming pool facilities (level of hygiene and cleanliness) at its best condition for the use of our students.

As a matter of fact, we are constantly looking into a better, safer and more efficient measures in keeping our community safe as well as abiding to the SOPs set by the Ministry of Sports and Youth.